Day of the Great Martyr Euphemia: what not to do on September 29

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On Tuesday, September 29, the day of memory of the great martyr Efimiy is celebrated.

On this day, Christians honor the memory of Saint Euphemia the All-Praiseworthy. On this holiday, they carefully examined the bird’s bone: thin – it means that winter will please with comfortable weather, and spring will come early. If the bones are thick and there is a lot of fat on them, it’s time to prepare for a harsh and prolonged winter. Because of this tradition, an unusual name arose – Bird Bone.

What not to do on Euphemia’s day

  • You should not go fishing and generally not go where there are open bodies of water. It is better to fish on any other day;
  • You shouldn’t move to a new place of residence. It is not advisable to go on a long trip on September 29;
  • Getting ready for the road to Efimia – to failure in the field of finance, career and health;
  • You cannot envy, slander and slander others;
  • You cannot take a steam bath on this day, as soon there will be a quarrel over a trifle;
  • You can’t bathe with someone else’s broom: whoever does this will get sick in the near future;

Traditions and rituals of the Bird Bone holiday

  • Warm and dry – this means that the winter will be snowy and not cold. Thunderstorm – very little snow will fall in winter.
  • The tradition of the day is to cook and eat poultry dishes for lunch.

The holiday was accompanied by fortune-telling and rituals… One is designed for women who can no longer tolerate an evil husband. To do this, you need to take the cat and stroke him until he rumbles. Then the wife should cover the animal with her husband’s clothing, pronouncing words that have not survived to this day. It is important that the husband wore clothes after the ceremony for 3 days. This will make it more tender and affectionate.

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