Coverage of US conventions: Trump at the center of discussions

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MONTREAL – Covering an election campaign during a pandemic is an unprecedented event. The two large networks, TVA and Radio-Canada, have mobilized their teams to cover as widely as possible, this week and next, the convention of the Democrats and that of the Republicans.

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Correspondent for TVA and LCN in Washington, Richard Latendresse will follow the conventions from the White House. “I’m usually based in the CNN offices, but due to the pandemic, you can’t even enter the building. So I now work at the White House, where I will follow these conventions since they are mainly virtual, ”he explained to the QMI Agency.

The TVA and LCN newsroom in Montreal will also participate in the coverage of these two events.

For journalist Latendresse, who has lived in the United States for 14 years, the stake of these conventions is different depending on the party.

“I think Democrats need to show they can come together after a heartbreaking primary. There is also a current, made up of young people and activists who have the impression of not having been listened to, which tends to the left, while the heart of the party is rather in the center, ”said Mr. Latendresse.

The Republicans’ work will focus, he said, on trying to save the furniture by saying that the crisis has hit hard, but that it is not President Donald Trump’s fault.

“Since these are virtual conventions, they won’t change much in the polls. But they will nevertheless set the tone for the electoral campaign, ”said Richard Latendresse.

Live Analysis

Anne-Marie Dussault hosts a series of specials for American conventions, in addition to her daily 24/60, every day from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

“We rely on the expertise of our analysts. We also want to try to make this electoral system and democratic issues understood, while covering each campaign day with the issues that arise, ”said Ms. Dussault.

According to the journalist, these conventions will revolve a lot around the personality of President Trump. “For both parties, we must put forward their campaign ideas, but also illustrate what is at stake in these conventions, the plebiscite on Donald Trump,” she said.

She thinks in particular that the Democratic Party will want to show a unifying and transpartisan image, by trying to convince the independents and frustrated Republicans.

“On the side of Trump, we will certainly want to demonstrate that his achievements, his ideas and his base need to get him re-elected so that he can pursue his political will. We can already see that the language is very raw, it is a political debate more focused on the personality of Donald Trump. Democrats attack him, and Trump asserts himself. ”

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