Corporate clients of Sberbank began to refuse plastic cards

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About 20% of Sberbank’s corporate clients have abandoned plastic cards in favor of digital ones. On March 3, Izvestia was told about this in the bank’s press service.

It is noted that a similar service for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the North-West Bank was launched three days ago, and within a month the service will become available throughout the country.

In the Internet bank “SberBusiness” in digital format, you can order a debit, premium and business card for business trips.

“The plastic-free business card is activated within a day from the date of issue, the plans are to reduce this time to 30 minutes. After activation, the owner receives an SMS with the details, and he can immediately start using the card. This requires a smartphone, smart watch or any other device with NFC technology support “, – said the first deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank” Alexander Vedyakhin.

Among the advantages of such a card is the inability to steal it and lose it, in addition, servicing the card without a physical carrier will be cheaper. If a plastic card is still needed, then its issue can be ordered in the application. Today, the client needs to decide on the type of card at the time of its registration. In the future, it will be possible to order plastic in the Internet bank at any time, if the client still needs it.

Sberbank noted that digital cards are not only more convenient and cheaper than plastic ones, but also help to take care of the environment.

It was reported in mid-February that Sberbank offered individuals to abandon the use of plastic cards. With the help of the SberBank Online mobile application, the user has the opportunity to issue a card without a plastic carrier by choosing the “Let’s go without plastic” function.