CORONA in Germany and worldwide

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The Robert Koch Institute has reported 7,595 new infections as of Wednesday, October 21. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 380,762 cases of this virus have been confirmed. A total of 9,875 people have died as a result of the Covid-19 disease. 943 patients with Covid-19 are being treated in intensive care units. The R value is 1.09. Confirmed cases worldwide: 40,835,340; died: 1 125 656; recovered: 27 935 485.

Spain first EU country with a million infected
Spain became the first country in Europe to exceed the threshold of one million corona cases. This comes from data released today by the Ministry of Health.

More than 15,000 new infections in Italy
In Italy, almost 15,200 new cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in 24 hours. This is a new maximum, yesterday it was around 10,900. The virus is spreading over a wide area, including Lombardy and especially the metropolis of Milan.

Switzerland: government is considering new measures
The Swiss government is thinking about tightening the crown measures. Interior Minister Alain Bersay said the situation in Switzerland is worse than in most other European countries. If the curve of new infections does not flatten by next week, the Swiss government will impose new restrictions, for example on events and in public buildings. A short-term quarantine for about two weeks is also possible.

Lockdown in the Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, extensive isolation is due from tomorrow due to the skyrocketing number of corona cases. People are only allowed to leave the house when they need to go to work, see a doctor, or go shopping. Almost all stores are expected to close.

Almost 155,000 people died in Brazil.
The corona virus continues to spread in Brazil. The Ministry of Health reports 23,227 new cases of infection. This increases the total number of infections to just under 5.3 million. The number of deaths in 24 hours rose by 661 to 154,837. Brazil has the highest number of infections and deaths from the coronavirus pandemic after the United States and India.

Super high mortality in the USA
In the United States, more people are believed to have died as a result of corona infection than previously thought. These conclusions are made based on data from a study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control. At the moment, the United States has officially recorded about 220,000 deaths from the corona.

Significantly more people have died in the United States since January than the average in the same period in previous years. In its study, the CDC cites 399,028 deaths, which is above average and therefore a clear excess mortality.

Of the approximately 399,000 deaths, nearly 198,000 may be directly related to Covid-19. However, the CDC suggests that some of the other victims may have died from the coronavirus as well.

Germany says this:

Risk zone: The incidence rate in Germany has exceeded the critical mark of 50

New drastic measures when exceeding the border of infected in 100 people per 100,000 population

Germany: What professions will be in demand by 2025

Germany: Stores to open on a flexible schedule

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