Businesses of the Volgograd region were allocated concessional loans for 175 million rubles

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Organizations of the Volgograd region received preferential loans in the amount of 175 million rubles. Nine enterprises have benefited from the support of the Regional Industry Development Fund.

Since 2014, one of the priorities in the work of the Volgograd authorities is the development of the industrial sector. The head of the region, Andrey Bocharov, pays special attention to supporting the industry. So, for six years in the Volgograd region, thanks to investment projects, 68 new industries were put into operation. In addition, more than 6,000 jobs have been created, and the volume of industrial production has almost doubled, according to Volgogradskaya

Over this period, support in the amount of 22.5 billion rubles was received, including 59 enterprises and three specialized universities. Small businesses also receive help – they have the opportunity to obtain soft loans for their investment projects. For this, in 2017, the Industrial Development Fund of the Volgograd Region began its work.

For three years, 9 projects have received support from the foundation. Its amount was about 175 million rubles. The low interest rate for such loans is attractive to entrepreneurs. In addition, the Regional Development and Trade Fund supports the development and production of innovative products through concessional loans.

© Photo: Publishing House “Volgogradskaya Pravda” / Sergey Kashirsky.

Experts believe that the fund demonstrates high efficiency. Now he is switching to self-financing for clients.

In Volzhsky one of the enterprises is mastering the production of import-substituting products. It also resorted to a concessional loan: a loan was provided at 3 percent per annum for five years. The cost of the investment project is about 30 million rubles. Of this amount, 17.4 million were provided by the foundation.

Now the enterprise manufactures rubber products from plastic and polyurethane. They are in demand among large companies in the oil refining and food industries. The support helped the plant to purchase additional equipment from increased capacity to be competitive in the market.

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