Britain named three new possible symptoms of coronavirus

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British scientists believe that muscle aches, as well as fatigue and blisters on the legs, may indicate that a person is sick with coronavirus. They submitted such data to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), writes the British tabloid Daily Mail.

According to the researchers, depending on the age of the infected, these symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways. However, these symptoms will not be included in the list of COVID-19 indicators provided by the UK National Health Service, so as not to overwhelm testing centers.

At the same time, at the moment, the recognized symptoms of coronavirus are still high fever, loss or change in taste or smell, as well as a persistent cough.

The science team also urged UK health care to consider providing quarantine packages that include free meals and passes to streaming sites to motivate COVID-19 patients to self-isolate.

In August, American scientists figured out the sequence of the first symptoms of coronavirus by analyzing the medical records of more than 55 thousand patients with COVID-19.

It turned out that first the sick develops a fever, and then a cough. Patients may then experience muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The scientists noted that the discovery could help doctors diagnose and treat the disease in a timely manner.

In turn, the Russian paramedic Anna Dmitrieva said, based on her experience with patients, that patients with loss of smell in almost 100% of cases were diagnosed with coronavirus.

In the same month, it became known that American doctors had found another unusual symptom of COVID-19 – hiccups.

According to the Worldometer portal, as of October 10, 575 679 cases of coronavirus and 42 679 deaths were registered in the UK for the entire period of the epidemic.

Worldwide, the number of COVID-19 cases exceeds 37.1 million.More than 1 million patients have died, and more than 27.9 million have recovered.

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