Boris Piotrovsky revealed one of the secrets of the Okhtinsky Cape

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Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Boris Piotrovsky “Announced” the concept of an exhibition space with a total area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. meters on the Okhtinsky Cape, which should be developed by the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg.

Piotrovsky told his colleagues from the Petersburg Diary that the concept had already been discussed with the governor. Alexander Beglov and came “to a single positive decision.”

Apparently, the museum exposition on a territory with a rich history will be devoted precisely to various aspects and periods of this history – from the Swedish fortresses Landskrona and Nyenskans, which preceded St. Petersburg, to (which is not excluded) a Soviet-era shipbuilding enterprise, which operated here until the 2000s. …

At present, as you know, a subsidiary of the Russian gas monopoly plans to create an urban space with a landscape park, business and public areas on the Okhtinsky Cape, designed by the Japanese architectural bureau Nikken Sekkei. The townspeople were assured that no residential construction is planned here.