Blogger Reeflay sentenced to six years in prison for the death of a girl

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The Ramenskiy court in the Moscow region sentenced blogger Stanislav Reshetnyak (Reeflay) to six years in a maximum security colony, during which the girl died. This was announced on Tuesday, April 27, by the representative of the Moscow Region Prosecutor’s Office Natalia Grigorieva.

“The court sentenced Reshetnyak to six years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony,” the prosecutor’s office said.

Reeflay discovered his girlfriend’s still body on a live broadcast on December 2. He did not interrupt the broadcast and, in front of the subscribers, transferred her to the room where he was streaming, after which he tried to revive her. The girl died before the arrival of doctors, according to the website

The blogger was charged with deliberately causing grievous bodily harm that resulted in the death of a girl (part 4 of article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), reports RT.

On December 9, he confessed to hitting his deceased girlfriend on the head, who soon died during his stream.

Earlier, on April 9, the Investigative Committee of Russia recalled that crimes committed in the course of the so-called trash streams will necessarily result in criminal liability, and judgments that bloggers will be able to escape punishment due to some popularity do not correspond to reality.