BigTime Software; 5 Key Features You Want to Know About

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By admin

About BigTime

BigTime software is a giant in the world of project management and planning software. The software was launched about two decades ago in the year 2002. Since then, the company has become almost a lead contender in the project planning software space. Brian Sanders founded the software as a way to make planning easier for businesses and has been successful in his attempt.


Bigtime software makes it so much easier for companies to manage not only projects but everyday tasks than any business has to go through. The software is used worldwide by a variety of professionals. From lawyers to accountants; everyone uses BigTime software to assist them in their day-to-day work! In this piece, we will be telling you everything you need to know about this software. From popular features in BigTime to BigTime price. Keep reading if you want to know more about this software.

Automatic Tracking

The first feature in this BigTime review we want to tell you about is the automatic tracking feature. This feature really allows you to ensure that your finances are managed without any issues. The finances of any business are incredibly important and with BigTime project management software, you are able to ensure that you can always keep track of cash inflow and outflow. We want to ensure that you know what this feature can do; which is to give you a look at what happens to your money. Any successful business is always aware of the inflow and outflow of money in their business.

Great Customer Service

While customer service is not a direct feature of BigTime software, it is nonetheless incredibly beneficial for users. The feature allows you to sit back and relax after your purchase as well because you can reach out to the customer service team at any time. With this feature, the software allows you to figure out any issues you might run into because you can simply get in touch with the customer service team. This feature really allows you to enjoy the ultimate after sales service; customer service for any issue! All in all; the customer service from BigTime software is sublime!

Client Invoicing

The third feature we want to mention in our BigTime review is the client invoicing feature. The feature allows you to make invoicing so much easier. If you were previously using a separate service or hired an accountant to do your invoicing, you are able to save your money on that since BigTime software does it for you. You are also able to get invoicing done faster since the software automatically takes care of it and then you can send the invoice immediately to your client which allows for faster turn around so essentially you are likely to be paid much sooner which is very beneficial for you and your business.

Project Mapping

Project mapping is another major BigTime software feature we want to tell you about. This feature helps you to plan your project from the beginning to the end. You are able to map out how the project will begin for you so that you can know what you need to do in the long run. The software helps you visually plan the project which means you can really explain it to your team better and perhaps your client as well. A visual map for your project is much easier to understand than merely writing it out!


Another major win in terms of features you get with BigTime software is the templates feature. The feature means you have a number of templates to look at and choose from in the software. These templates make it so much easier for you to plan your projects than it was before. The template really allows you to ensure you are saving time since the template only has to be input with features rather than you having to worry about anything else. The software also allows you to further customize the templates if you think they do not exactly match what your needs are.

BigTime Pricing

Now we come to an aspect of BigTime software that will be a major tenet to you deciding whether or not you will buy the software; the BigTime price. The software is priced at different tiers. The lowest tier costs $10 and the more expensive tiers cost about $30 to $40. The version of the software you opt for depends on what your needs are. This helps you to ensure you are choosing the tier which has features that work for you!

Is BigTime Software a Solid Choice for you?

The next thing we want to talk about is whether or not BigTime software is right for you as a business. The first thing you need to do is make a list of all the features you would definitely want in a software and then see whether or not BigTime software has those features.


The next thing we ask you to do is read as many reviews for the software as you can. Reading BigTime software user reviews will allow you to make sure that you know what is in store for you in the long run when it comes to this software. Users talk about their experindce with the software ober the years so you will generally get an idea whether or not this software is right for you in the future.