Biden announces national security emergency over Russia

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US President Joe Biden introduced a state of emergency due to the alleged threat to national security and the country’s economy from the Russian authorities. This is stated in the letter of the American leader to Congress, published on Thursday, April 15.

“I issued a decree declaring a state of emergency in the country in connection with an unusual and extreme threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States caused by certain harmful foreign activities of the Russian government,” it was reported.

According to Biden, Russia’s “harmful” activities are ostensibly attempts to “undermine the conduct of free and fair democratic elections and democratic institutions” in the United States and Washington’s partner countries.

In addition, the head of the White House accused Russia of cyber activities against the United States, as well as “encouraging and using transnational corruption to influence foreign governments.”

On April 15, Washington announced the introduction of another package of sanctions against Moscow, which was accused of “interfering” in the 2020 elections, cyber attacks and the situation with Crimea. The measures affected 32 individuals and legal entities.

It was also decided to expel from the United States 10 employees of the Russian diplomatic mission.

At the same time, the sanctions limited the US financial institutions in the acquisition of Russian government bonds after June 14.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Moscow would resolutely respond to the new sanctions imposed by Washington. The department added that the sanctions course of the American side does not meet the interests of the peoples of the two states.