Benefits for children from three to seven years old will be increased in Russia

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Starting next year, benefits for children from three to seven years old will be increased in Russia. The increase in monthly payments will affect low-income families, the Ministry of Labor said on September 29.

The monthly payment for children aged three to seven years was established in 2020, 170 billion rubles were allocated for the initiative. Families with more than 3.8 million children are already receiving payments.

“Starting next year, it is planned to increase the size of the monthly payment to the regional subsistence level for a child, if the average per capita family income when paying half the subsistence level does not allow the average per capita income to grow to the subsistence level,” RIA Novosti quotes a message from the agency.

It is planned to allocate another 95 billion rubles for these purposes.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop new measures to support low-income families with children and increase benefits.

On September 24, HSE experts told Izvestia that in order to fight poverty in Russia, it is necessary to introduce permanent benefits for needy families with children aged 7-16. In addition, experts proposed to untie the minimum wage from the subsistence minimum and raise it annually by 2-3% above inflation. This would make it possible to fulfill the presidential decree on halving the number of the poor in the country by 2030, as well as reduce budget spending. The Ministry of Labor agreed with the position of the experts.

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