Belarus announced plans to expand sanctions against the EU

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Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei said that the republic will include representatives of the leadership of the European Union and a number of European countries in its extended sanctions lists. He stated this on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel on Sunday, November 22.

The Foreign Minister noted with regret that the EU “took certain actions related to the introduction of personal sanctions against a number of Belarusian officials, thereby forcing the Belarusian authorities“ to take adequate reciprocal steps ”. Makei stressed that the country was not the initiator of “destructive actions” in relation to the European partners.

“We intend, on the contrary, to develop constructive cooperation. But if we are offended, if any sanctions are imposed against us, then, of course, we will be forced to respond adequately, ”his words are quoted in the transcript of the interview posted on the Foreign Ministry website.

The foreign minister recalled that this week the European Union imposed additional sanctions against 15 citizens of Belarus, so the republic will expand its own “personal sanctions lists, which will include representatives of the leadership of the European Union, the leadership of a number of European states.”

In addition, Makei said that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank have decided to freeze their cooperation with Belarus. In this regard, Minsk is also suspending the dialogue with the European Union on human rights issues until the EU “decides to change its policy.”

He also noted that the main course of the foreign policy of Belarus will be focused on Russia, which is “the main strategic ally and the main partner,” but Minsk is not going to abandon the “multi-vector” approach, since more than 50% of Belarusian exports are supplied to the EU countries and others. non-CIS states.

On November 19, the foreign ministers of the EU countries agreed to toughen sanctions against Belarus, a new package of restrictions will be put into effect in the coming weeks. It will include structures that finance President Lukashenko.

Earlier on November 6, the EU imposed sanctions against Lukashenka and 14 other Belarusian officials. The restrictions include an asset freeze and travel ban.

In early October, the EU imposed sanctions against 40 Belarusian officials. On November 6, Brussels applied restrictions against the President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko and 14 other Belarusian officials. The restrictions include an asset freeze and travel ban. The US supported this measure. In addition, the Canadian government imposed sanctions against 13 Belarusian officials.

The European Union did not recognize the results of the presidential elections in Belarus, which took place on August 9. According to the CEC, Lukashenka won for the sixth time in a row. Since that day, mass protests have not stopped in the republic.

On November 17, it became known that Belarus added a mirror image to its reciprocal sanctions list for each of the EU countries and Canada. Minsk recommended that high-ranking officials from the EU countries take into account the sanctions of Belarus when planning their trips.

The presidential elections in Belarus were held on August 9. After that, opposition rallies began in the country, disagreeing with the voting results, according to which Lukashenka won with 80.1% of the votes for the sixth time in a row.

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