Avoid Pitfalls When Planning Your Hair Implant – Part 1

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Although there have been many technical advances in surgical hair replacement over the last decade, especially with the widespread use of follicular transplantation, there are still many problems. Most revolve around doctors recommending surgery to patients who are not good candidates. The most common reasons why patients cannot be operated on are that their hair loss is too young and too unpredictable. Young people’s expectations are also typically too high – they often require a teenager to be bulky and hairy. Many people who are in the early stages of hair loss simply need to be treated with medication instead of being pulled under a knife. And some patients are simply not mature enough to make firm decisions when their problem is so emotionally charged.

In general, the younger the patient,

The more careful the physician should be during surgery, especially if Norwood VII has originated in the patient’s family. Class I hair loss or diffuse, non-patterned alopecia. Problems also arise when a physician is unable to properly assess a patient’s donor hair supply and does not have enough hair to achieve the patient’s goals. Careful measurement of the patient’s density and other scalp characteristics will allow the surgeon to know exactly how much hair is available for transplantation and will allow him to design a recovery pattern that is available within these limits.

In all of these situations,

Taking a little extra time to listen to the patient’s concerns will examine the patient more thoroughly and then recommend a treatment plan that is consistent with what can actually be achieved, making patients happy. Unfortunately, scientific advances only improve the technical aspects of the Hair Transplant in Dubai process and do not do much to ensure that the procedure is performed with the right design or on the right patient.

Five year view

Improvements in surgical techniques that have made it possible to place more and more transplants in smaller and smaller recipient locations have almost reached the limit, and donor supply constraints remain the main constraint to restore patients’ entire hair. Despite the initial great enthusiasm for extraction of follicular unit, with a technique where hair can be harvested directly from the donor’s scalp (or even body) without a linear scar, this procedure has added relatively little to increase the patient’s overall hair supply, which is available for transplantation. . The big breakthrough comes when the donor supply can be expanded through cloning. Although there has been recent progress in this area (especially in animal models), the ability to clone human hair is at least 5-10 years behind.

Key issues
  1. The biggest mistake a doctor can make when treating a patient with hair loss is to perform hair on a person who is too young as the expectations are usually very high and the pattern of future hair loss is unpredictable.


Lifelong chronic sun exposure has a much more significant negative effect on the outcome of hair transplantation than perioperative sun exposure. Bleeding diathesis, which is significant enough to affect the operation, is usually included in the patient’s medical history; however, OTC drugs are often not reported (eg non-steroidal drugs) and should be ordered separately.

4. Depression is probably the most common psychiatric disorder

r that patients requesting hair transplantation encounter, but it is also a common symptom in patients with hair loss. The physician should distinguish between a reasonable emotional response to baldness and depression that requires psychiatric counseling. During hair transplantation, the physician should balance the patient’s current and future hair needs with the current and future availability of the donor kit. It is well known that human baldness develops over time. What is less noticeable is that the donor zone may change.

 A patient’s donor care depends on a number of factors,

Including the physical size of the permanent zone, looseness of the scalp, donor density, hair characteristics and most importantly, the degree of miniaturization of the donor area – as this is a window to future donor care stability.  Patients with very loose scalp often heal with extended donor.

 Never assume that a person’s hair loss is stable

. Hair loss progresses over time. Even patients who show a good response to finasteride end up losing more hair.  The location of the normal adult male hairline is about 1.5 cm above the upper eyebrow wrinkle. Avoid placing the newly transplanted hairline in the teen position, not in the adult position.