Atypical symptom identified in COVID-19 patients

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Digestive problems and specific symptoms are periodically noted by doctors in those who have undergone COVID-19 patients. Coronavirus manifested itself in patients with painful sensations in the abdominal cavity.

“Most often it is diarrhea, bloating. We are talking about patients who have not previously had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and this is a fairly common phenomenon, ”said the specialist. The reasons for such phenomena are not known exactly at the moment. It is assumed that this may be due to prolonged use of antibiotics, as a result of which a violation of the intestinal microflora is possible. The specialist noted that in 2% of patients, the coronavirus manifested itself as painful sensations in the abdominal cavity. Initially, doctors were sent for examination to exclude possible cholecystitis or appendicitis, but later it turned out that it was COVID-19.

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