At least 14 people were injured in a fire in an apartment in Prague

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In the Czech capital, a fire in a residential building injured 14 people, including six children. Representative aid representative Yana Poshtova told reporters about this on Sunday, April 11, RIA Novosti reports.

According to her, a fire broke out in a house on Chernokosteleckaya Street in the eastern part of Prague, in an apartment on the third floor, 14 people were injured of various orders, including six children aged from one to seven years old, two babies in serious condition.

All victims were hospitalized in city hospitals. The nature of the injuries has not been specified. Representatives of the fire service and police are investigating the causes and circumstances of the fire. According to preliminary estimates, the material damage from the accident is about 300 thousand kroons (about 1.1 million rubles).

On April 10, a fire in the Indian city of Nagpur, Maharashtra state, in a hospital designated for those infected with coronavirus, killed four people, two are in critical condition.