On April 14, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 21.693 new infections, which is more than the previous day (10.810). There were 342 corona deaths per day. The nationwide 7-day incidence increased to 153.2 (140.9). Currently 4688 patients are undergoing intensive care. More than 13.5 million people in Germany have been vaccinated against Covid-19.
Since the start of the pandemic, 3,044,016 cases of the virus have been identified in Germany. This means that the number of cases compared with the previous day increased by 21.693 cases. In total, 79,088 people have died as a result of the Covid-19 disease since the start of the pandemic.
The data is based on a statement by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which receives information from the regional health authorities in Germany. They provide updated information several times a day. As the reporting speed varies by region, there may be deviations and fixes as a result of late reporting. In addition, sometimes there are delays in displaying data for individual federal states.
A more detailed overview of the situation in the individual federal states:
Baden-Württemberd: 7-day incidence: 160.8. New infected: 3244. Deaths the day before: 35. More information here.
Bavaria: 7-day incidence: 172.6 New infected: 4083. Deaths the day before: 44 More information here.
Berlin: 7-day incidence: 121.3 New infected: 677. Deaths the day before: 1. More information here.
Brandenburg: 7-day incidence: 143.6 New infected: 575. Deaths the day before: 13. More information here.
Bremen: 7-day incidence: 159.1 New infected: 171. Deaths the previous day: 5. More information can be found here.
Hamburg: 7-day incidence: 126.6. New infected: 269. Deaths the day before: 9. More information here.
Hesse: 7-day incidence: 162.0 New infected: 2075. Deaths the day before: 22. More information here.
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 7-day incidence: 151.8 New infected: 501. Deaths the day before: 2. More information here.
Lower Saxony: 7-day incidence: 111.1 New infected: 1220. Deaths the day before: 34. More information here.
North Rhine-Westphalia: 7-day incidence: 148.4 New infections: 4693. Deaths the day before: 66. More information is available here.
Rhineland-Palatinate: 7-day incidence: 124.5 New infected: 659. Deaths the day before: 9. More information here.
Saar: 7-day incidence: 124.6 New infected: 172. Deaths the day before: 5. More information here.
Saxony: 7-day incidence: 227.8 New infected: 1531. Deaths the day before: 39. More information here.
Saxony-Anhalt: 7-day incidence: 182.7 New infected: 544. Deaths the day before: 25. More information here.
Schleswig-Holstein: 7-day incidence: 77.7 New infected: 403. Deaths the day before: 3. More information here.
Thuringia: 7-day incidence: 254.0. New infected: 876. Deaths the day before: 30. More information here.
All important hotlines for health insurance companies, the Robert Koch Institute, as well as lists of medical institutions in all federal states and how best to protect against Covid-nineteen You can find out here.
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