Anti-mite treatment was carried out on the territory of “Mikhailovsky”

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On the territory of the A.S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye” for the first time this year carried out anti-mite treatment. This “MK in Pskov” was reported in the press service of the museum.

According to the chief curator of the museum territories of the Pushkin Reserve, Ekaterina Dmitrieva, pest control was carried out on April 29 and May 1, in the morning and in the evening, while there were no visitors.

Repeated anti-mite treatment is going to be carried out in the last days of May or at the beginning of June, before the Pushkin Festival of Poetry.

Under the agreement, these events on the territory of the Mikhailovskoye Museum-Reserve are carried out by employees of the branch of the FBUZ Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Pskov Region in the Opochetsky, Krasnogorodsky, Pushkinogorsky, Novorzhevsky, Pytalovsky Districts.