An economist from Volgograd told how he opened a quail farm

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Oleg Pyatibratov achieves success in business, despite his disability. Volgogradets aims to become the largest producer of quail meat and eggs in the region.

According to Pyatibratov, quail meat and quail eggs are in good demand, which will only increase in the future, writes Krestyanskaya

An economist by training, Oleg carefully studied the market: it turned out that not every store can find fresh produce. The Volgograd resident rented the first premises in the Gorodishchensky district, made the cages himself and bought the first batch of birds.

Now his enterprise already has industrial cells and modern equipment. In order to develop the business on a more professional level, the entrepreneur decided to pump his knowledge by entering an agricultural university.

Now the whole family of Oleg is involved in the project – his son and wife. But he takes on the bulk of the work, despite his disability.

– I can only say one thing for people with disabilities: do not be afraid to lose, try and you will definitely win. It makes no difference whether a person is disabled or not, if he has a favorite work, he will do it, overcoming all difficulties, – says Oleg Pyatibratov.

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