American experts described the scenario of a NATO strike on Kaliningrad

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The scenario of a preemptive NATO strike on the Kaliningrad region contains the elimination of four main targets in the region. This follows from the data published on the website of the American organization Center for Naval Analyzes.

The speech in the published information is about the destruction of launchers of short-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons (including the Iskander missile systems). In addition, the experts called the purpose of such a strike to damage the Baltic Fleet, to eliminate the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems in the region and Russian troops in Kaliningrad. A preemptive strike, as specified, is supposedly necessary to ensure security in the Baltics.

Russian anti-missile defense systems are proposed to be destroyed from the WR-40 Langusta MLRS, drones will aim at them. For the destruction of the Iskander, experts suggest using the experience of eliminating the R-17 launchers during the Gulf War.

The factors of “NATO’s victory” in a possible conflict are called “speed and surprise.”

“The forces gathered on the Russian border must cross a densely forested area full of lakes,” the article says.

At the same time, the authors of the material believe that a full-scale war is extremely unlikely.

Earlier this week, scientists at Rutgers University in the United States found that a large-scale nuclear war would lead to significant climate change on the planet. The Pacific Ocean will suffer the most.

In December, NI magazine named the possible reasons for the armed conflict between the Russian Federation and NATO. According to the newspaper, relations between Moscow and the alliance are so tense that any misinterpreted incident could lead the parties into a state of “accidental war.”

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