Almost two monthly precipitation rates fell in Moscow in July

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About 180% of the monthly precipitation rate fell in the capital in July. This was announced by the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand on Friday, July 31.

“Dropped in Moscow 178-180% of the monthly norm. There are a lot, and one must also take into account that July is the wettest month. This July will clearly be on the first lines [рейтинга самых дождливых июлей в Москве за всю историю метеонаблюдений] by the amount of precipitation, “- said Wilfand in a conversation with TASS.

He stressed that light precipitation will probably take place on July 31, but they will not significantly change the situation.

The day before, the Phobos center reported that from May to July, a record amount of precipitation over the past 70 years fell in Moscow – 481 mm. This is 70% of the norm for the whole year.

In addition, snow began to fall on July 30 in the Zyuzino area, in the south-west of the capital. At the same time, the chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Marina Makarova, in an interview with Izvestia, called this event an ordinary weather phenomenon and said that these were “small hailstones that simply did not have time to melt, sinking into a cloud.”

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