Almost 10 thousand families in the Smolensk region expect new housing

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As reported on July 29 in Smolenskstat, at the beginning of this year, 9800 families in the region were registered to receive housing and improve housing conditions. Of the total number of such families, 4.8% live in communal apartments, 1.9% in dormitories, and 4.7% in emergency housing. More than half of families (59.7%) expect to receive an apartment for more than 10 years. In July 2020, the President of the Russian Federation instructed the government, by October 10, to develop mechanisms for providing housing for citizens with a low level of income, on the condition of its preservation in public ownership. This and a number of other instructions based on the results of checking the implementation of legislation and on housing construction issues were published on the Kremlin’s website.

At the beginning of 2020, the housing stock of the Smolensk region amounted to 27.5 million square meters. meters of the total area of ​​residential premises, of which in the city of Smolensk – 9.2 million square meters. meters (33.5%). On average in the region, the share of comfortable housing is 57.6%, including in the city of Smolensk – 87.3%, given that in Russia this figure is 68.6%. The Smolensk region ranks 21st in the country in terms of housing provision As of the beginning of 2020, there were 178.9 thousand residential buildings in the housing stock of the region.

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