In St. Petersburg, a woman asked the police to find her husband, who ran away from her after a wedding ceremony at the registry office. This was announced on Thursday, August 27, by the 78 TV channel, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.
According to the 51-year-old woman, on her wedding day, her newly-made husband, already sitting in a taxi near the registry office, told her that he had forgotten his passport there. He got out of the car to pick up the document, and since then she has not seen her husband.
A resident of St. Petersburg asked the police to find her husband, because she wants to divorce him. As the TV channel “360” specifies, the woman reported to the police on August 26.
According to the website, the missing man is a citizen of Azerbaijan. Before the wedding, the couple met for about two months. On the day of the wedding, the woman offered to visit a notary and conclude a marriage contract. Since then, the spouse has become nervous and uncommunicative. In the course of the proceedings, it also turned out that he had not had a temporary residence permit all this time.
On August 16, it was reported that the bride chased her mother away from her wedding after the woman gave an unsuccessful congratulatory speech. At the beginning of her speech, the woman joked and spoke pleasant words about the bride and groom, but then she began to recall unpleasant episodes from her daughter’s adolescence and called her a spoiled product.