A piece of meat began to stir on a cutting board and frightened others

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A piece of meat stirred on the cutting board, which greatly frightened the women involved in cooking.

The video with the “revived” meat was posted on Twitter by a user with the nickname Yo! Artist. Judging by the language spoken by the author of the video, the incident took place in Malaysia.

According to the girl, her mother was cooking meat, which suddenly began to throb violently. As a result, the woman got scared and refused to cook.

Users in the comments expressed surprise at what happened, putting forward various theories of the reasons for what happened.

Since July 31, the video has received several tens of thousands of views and more than 21 thousand likes.

Some explained the movement of the piece of meat by the fact that it was very fresh. According to commentators, the nerve endings can still be active some time after the death of the animal.

In November, netizens were frightened by a video showing a fish with a “human face”.

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