A man who killed a passer-by with a wooden board was convicted in the Rostov region

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The Kamensk District Court sentenced 43-year-old Andrei Zemlyan. The man was accused of brutally killing a passer-by, as well as stealing his personal belongings.

According to the regional SU of the Investigative Committee, the tragic story took place in the summer of 2020. 43-year-old Andrey walked along one of the Kamensky streets at night. That evening the man drank a lot, and a conflict arose between him and the stranger sitting on the bench, the men began to argue. Then Zemlin grabbed a wooden board and hit the passerby on the head several times. But even this was not enough for him and he decided to take his bag with him.

After the offender had already fled the scene, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten his phone there. When he returned, he saw that the victim was still alive. Then he decided to finish off the poor man and dealt another fatal blow this time.

The deceased had no chance to survive from his injuries, and he died on the spot.

– For the crime committed, the court sentenced Andrei Zemlin to 11 years and eight months in a strict regime colony, – noted in the Rostov region prosecutor’s office.