A law on compulsory requirements for business came into force in Russia

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In Russia, on November 1, the law “On mandatory requirements in the Russian Federation” comes into force, designed to simplify and create uniform requirements for doing business in the country.

The initiative, which is part of the so-called “regulatory guillotine” mechanism, was approved at a meeting of the Federation Council on July 24.

The document, in particular, defines the concept of a mandatory requirement, defines the goals, basic principles and powers to establish them.

So, according to the text of the law, until January 1, 2021, the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, federal bodies, the RSFSR and the USSR, containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed in the implementation of state supervision, will be invalidated.

From that day on, the assessment of compliance with the requirements adopted until 2020 becomes unacceptable, as well as bringing to responsibility for non-compliance. From now on, such requirements can be established by federal laws, the EAEU, Russian international treaties that do not require the issuance of domestic acts, by the laws of regions and municipalities, in rare cases by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

“The following principles should be applied: legality, validity of mandatory requirements, legal certainty and consistency, openness and predictability, enforceability of mandatory requirements,” Anton Sviridenko, adviser to the presidential commissioner for the protection of entrepreneurs’ rights, told RIA Novosti.

On October 27, Izvestia, citing a letter from the curator of the “regulatory guillotine” Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, wrote that two months before the entry into force, the new regulation is not yet ready, since the departments have adopted less than half of the acts that will replace the outdated ones from January 1, 2021 mandatory requirements.

Supervisory reform, or “regulatory guillotine,” is a mechanism aimed at eliminating and updating excessive and outdated requirements that affect the business climate.

Its launch was announced by former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in early 2019, and the first acts (about 5 thousand requirements of the times of the USSR and the RSFSR) were canceled in February 2020.

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