A Guide To Job Hunting In Dubai For Beginners

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By admin

If you aim for it, you can do it. The needs and standards of independence have changed in the 21st century. Now people have high hopes and do not hesitate to cover a long distance in pursuit of proving themselves. Furthermore, earning great is essential to maintain a lifestyle and live in the lap of luxury.

Dubai is one of the best cities to hunt for jobs because working there can be remunerative for many people because of high salaries and low taxes. In addition to that, the emirate offers a pretty good lifestyle and has proven to be a great place to live for expatriates. It provides many employment options like digitalization, artificial intelligence, accounting and finance, and so forth.  

Another great reason for jobs in Dubai is that the government has modified its labour law which links with the regulation of employment in the private sector. The New UAE Labour Law 2022 enhances employment rights and works on the productivity of the country to attract people from different regions.

What makes people land in Dubai for a job hunt?

There are ample reasons to convince people to prefer Dubai for employment. Below are some reasons why people shortlist Dubai for hunting jobs.

·             Quality of living

Dubai offers a luxurious lifestyle which is one of the reasons people live and travel there. Life here may look hard to afford to many people but it offers competitive wages as well. In this way, you can easily afford a great living standard there.

·             Tax-free income

Paying tax can really get annoying sometimes. Many people can relate to this problem. Here is another reason for moving to Dubai for job hunting. The UAE has a tax-free policy. So, no need to take the pain for income tax, corporate tax, etc.  

·             Opportunity to work with multicultural people

Last but not least, approximately 200 nationalities are living and working in Dubai today. In this way, you can have the chance to interact with people of different cultures which can fascinate those who love to know about different cultures.

Is it easy to find a job in Dubai?

Many people get fretful during the selection of the city for jobs. Can I find a job with the set of skills I have? Will I be able to manage my living? These are some of the questions which come to mind most of the time. Dubai has a competitive job market. You only have to look for the right people. Try attending job fairs as it builds opportunities to interact with people.  Do not forget to make an attractive resume.

3 Things you should know beforehand

If you are travelling for the first time for a job hunt and considering Dubai, you must know some essential details to avoid bad luck in the future.

1.       Clothing standards

Dubai is known for its liberal standards of living compared to other emirates in the UAE but they still focus on the dress code. Short, low cut and transparent clothes are strictly prohibited in offices. Both men and women are bound to follow a proper dress code. However, you can get relaxation on beaches and swimming pools.

2.       Respect Islamic values

With all the bounties, you cannot deny that UAE is an Islamic Country. So, expats should follow Islamic values. For instance, Muslims pray five times a day. Therefore, you must keep the music low near mosques or other spots of praying. Respecting the norms of every religion comes under basic ethics.

3.       Alcohol consumption

You can easily find alcohol in bars as it is legal in bars and clubs. However, you need to get a government license to keep it at home and for transportation.  

3 essential tips you should consider for a job in Dubai

If you want to get jobs instantly in the emirate, below are some tips to help.

1.       Choose months carefully

Although job opportunities are available throughout the year depending on the company’s needs, avoid moving to Dubai during the Holy month of Ramadan. The reason is that people have short working hours during the month. Similarly, December is specified for holidays. Lastly, prefer coming in non-summer months because public transportation is difficult during high temperatures.

2.       Do not take document attestation forsaken

Ignoring attestation of documents can really catch you in big trouble. So, remember to keep attested documents which are essential for the visa process.

3.       Beware of scams

Some bogus agencies can scam you by seeking your CV from job portals. So, beware of them. You can always get in touch with lawyers in Dubai for help and consultation.

A Final Word

Overall, hunting jobs in Dubai is a fair option to ensure a bright future and make all your dreams come true.