A drunken man hijacked a car in the Tver region

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In the Ostashkovsky urban district of the Tver region, a drunk man stole a car. Details were told in the Russian MIA Administration for the Tver region.

At night, traffic police officers stopped the car. The inspectors’ attention was drawn to a strange driving style. It turned out that a drunk driver was driving, and the car belongs to another person.

The man was taken to the department, and from there they contacted the owner of the vehicle. It turned out that the 26-year-old owner of the car gave it to a 28-year-old local for an engine repair. After the repair, the latter decided to take a car ride through the streets of Ostashkov, having drunk alcohol before that.

At present, a case has been opened against the man under the article “Unlawful seizure of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft.” The hijacker faces up to five years in prison.