Four more hospitals to rehabilitate Petersburgers after COVID-19

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Additional beds for the rehabilitation of people who have had coronavirus have opened in four hospitals in the Northern capital. The townspeople will be rehabilitated in the Nikolaev hospital in Peterhof, in the Mariinsky hospital, in the hospital of St.George, in the N.N. Almazov, if necessary, they will attract the Institute. Albrecht. In addition, the Hospital for War Veterans and City Hospital No. 40 are already accepting people for rehabilitation.

On average, according to Andrei Sarana, first deputy head of the Smolny Health Committee, on average, rehabilitation after coronavirus in a hospital takes 20 days. After it, if necessary, the patient will be sent to the Vostok-6 sanatorium.

According to official data, about 10 thousand people who have been ill suffered from the coronavirus. Almost 8 thousand people have already undergone rehabilitation, about 2 thousand more need it.