Germany: 300,000 students in quarantine

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One of the main goals of the federal government is to maintain normal face-to-face classes for as long as possible. However, theory is often at odds with the case. The constantly increasing number of people infected with the coronavirus affects what happens in schools. The number of schoolchildren and teachers has grown significantly in all regions of Germany.

Currently, more than 300,000 schoolchildren are in quarantine, the newspaper Bild reports, citing information from the federal teachers’ association. At the end of September, the number of children in self-isolation was significantly lower – about 50 thousand. The number of teachers forced to stay at home currently stands at 30,000.

As a result of such a dramatically evolving situation, more and more schools are being closed and offline lessons are being canceled, ”said Association President Heinz-Peter Meidinger. The expert called what is happening “surrender” to the pandemic: “In almost all federal states, the developed hygiene plans, which imply the reduction of classes in regions with an increased level of infected with coronavirus, do not come into force. Schools must remain open by all means. “

Meidinger believes that the statement by politicians about the efforts to ensure the regular operation of schools is contrary to reality. He hopes that school closings can be avoided. “However, for this it is necessary to strengthen preventive measures in schools, at a time when the number of infected is growing exponentially,” he demands. Along with the requirement to wear masks, it is necessary to temporarily introduce a rule of observance of the minimum distance, which means the reduction of classes and the introduction of school shifts.

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