More than 42.8 million coronavirus tests conducted in Russia

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More than 42.8 million tests for detecting coronavirus infection have been carried out in Russia. This was announced on Sunday, September 20, by the Rospotrebnadzor press service.

“More than 42.8 million coronavirus tests have been carried out in the Russian Federation. 241,046 people remain under medical supervision, ”the message says.

It is noted that over the past day alone, 384 thousand tests for coronavirus were carried out in Russia.

A few days ago, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that Moscow doctors are conducting about a million tests for coronavirus infection in two weeks.

In addition, this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that the country is effectively countering the spread of coronavirus, remaining in 100th place in terms of mortality from this infection.

Up-to-date information on the situation with coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotre. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.

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