“MK in Saratov” told about the letter of the initiative group of Saratov parents to the authorities with the demand to open kindergartens.
As we learned yesterday, the acting In this regard, the Minister of Education of the region Elena Nerozya published her commentary on the situation on the department’s page in the social network “Instagram”. It says, in particular:
“The self-isolation regime has been extended in the region until July 31, in connection with which kindergartens continue to work in the format of duty groups. Their number is increasing. And if on April 1, 47 duty groups were opened in 47 kindergartens for 203 children, then today their number in the region is 1444, they are open in 532 kindergartens for 13,746 children. An increase in the number of duty groups occurs at the request of working parents. “
In addition, and.about. Minister expressed her readiness to meet with the authors of the letter and discuss the situation. However, the call of the official was not heard by the parents demanding the opening of kindergartens. They did not agree to dialogue. As the leader of the initiative group Elena Sharypkina told the reporter of our publication, the parents see neither sense nor logic in the actions of the Ministry of Education. Since the beginning of April, the number of duty groups has increased 30 times, the number of children attending them has increased more than 60 times. Isn’t it wiser to just open kindergartens in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the same as in the duty groups? By the way, this has already been done in many regions of Russia.
In fairness, it should be noted that kindergartens in the Saratov region remain closed not at the initiative of the regional ministry of education, but by the decision of the operational headquarters of the Saratov region to combat coronavirus.
Last night, this body, represented by Prime Minister Alexander Strelyukhin, together with Rospotrebnadzor, extended restrictive measures and self-isolation in the region until August 3 inclusive.