One of the main characteristics of the level of well-being of the population is housing conditions. At the beginning of the year, the housing stock of the Smolensk region amounted to 27.5 million square meters. meters of the total area of residential premises, of which in Smolensk – 9.2 million square meters. meters (33.5%). On July 29, Smolenskstat published data on housing conditions in the region. Earlier it became known that in the federal rating on the provision of housing Smolensk takes 21st place in Russia.
As of the beginning of the year, the housing stock of the region included 178.9 thousand residential buildings, in which there were 501.9 thousand residential apartments, including one-room apartments – 24.6%, two-room ones – 41.0%, three-room ones – 28.7 %, four-room apartments and more – 5.7%. More than 440 thousand residential apartments were owned by citizens, which amounted to 87.7% of all residential apartments. On average, one inhabitant of the region accounted for 29.4 square meters. meters of the total area of residential premises, including in the city of Smolensk – 28.3 sq. meters (in Russia – 26.3 sq. m).
The leaders in the provision of housing per person are Ugransky (48.6 sq. M.), Glinkovsky (41.8 sq. M.) And Temkinsky (40.7 sq. M.) Municipal districts.
The lowest provision with housing is in Sychevsky (24.3 sq. M.), Smolensk (24.6 sq. M.), Kardymovsky (25.5 sq. M.) Districts.
On average in the region, the share of complex – comfortable housing is 57.6%, including in the city of Smolensk – 87.3% (in Russia – 68.6%).