Rest in Russian resorts has risen in price by 15-30% after the closure of Turkey

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The prices for domestic resorts rose the most in Crimea, Alexan Mkrtchyan, general director of the Pink Elephant travel agency network, told Izvestia.

“Literally overnight after the news about the closure of Turkey, prices for vacations at Russian resorts have increased markedly,” he said. – In the Crimea, the growth was 20-30%, in the Krasnodar Territory – 10-15%. It was the accommodation facilities that went up in price, not air tickets. Demand exceeds supply, especially on the Crimean peninsula, where, in principle, there are few hotels – there are only five five-star hotels ”.

According to the expert, about half of the tourists who, due to restrictions, did not go to Turkey, reoriented to Russia. As a result, the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory in April-May will receive about 100 thousand more travelers than planned.

“For now, accommodation facilities at these Russian resorts can withstand such an influx of visitors, but in the summer they will no longer cope. In May, the sea is cold – the flow of tourists is less. Places in accommodation facilities are still available, but at high prices. Even hotels with one star have raised prices, not to mention hotels with three stars and higher, ”said Aleksan Mkrtchyan.

More than 80% of the hotel fund has been booked for the May holidays in the Krasnodar Territory, Izvestia was told in the press service of the regional administration, citing Governor Veniamin Kondratyev.

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