Deputy Prime Minister predicted Ukraine “irreparable weakening” due to SP-2

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The start of operation of the Nord Stream 2 (SP-2) gas pipeline will lead to an “irreparable weakening” of Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Reznikov in an article published on April 8 in The Wall Street Journal.

He is convinced that his country will be significantly weakened as soon as Russia has a new direct gas pipeline to Germany. Reznikov also pointed out that the completion of construction will fully predictably affect the national security of Ukraine.

He explains that the start of SP-2 from an energy security point of view will disconnect his country from Western Europe.

The Deputy Prime Minister believes that in this case, Russia will not have to take into account the fact that “most of the Russian gas enters Europe through Ukraine.”

Ukraine has already warned that the pumping of Russian gas through the country’s gas transportation system will bring losses after the launch of the SP-2 gas pipeline.

Thus, the Ukrainian economist Oleg Pendzin noted in March that Ukraine is extremely interested in the Russians not launching Nord Stream 2.

In the same month, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy described the pipeline as a trap for countries across Europe. Then he also thanked Lithuania for opposing the project.

Construction of SP-2, as of April 1, is 95% completed. The operator of the Nord Stream 2 AG project noted that 2,339 km of pipes have already been laid. It was clarified that at the end of January 148 km of the gas pipeline remained unfinished, of which 120 km – in the waters of Denmark and about 28 km – in the waters of Germany.

Nord Stream 2 is being built from Russia to Germany along the Baltic seabed with the aim of direct and reliable gas supplies to Europe. Its length will be 2,460 km. The EU countries mainly support the project and participate in its implementation. The USA, the Baltic states, Poland and Ukraine are against it.