5 Tips for Becoming a Digital Artist

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By Marilyn Royce

If you’re an aspiring creator, you know the landscape is shifting quickly. Now is the time to make sure that you’re ready for any opportunity that arises in the creative space.

Becoming a digital artist is one of the most rewarding routes you can take but it requires finding the best of both worlds: the creative and technical. With the confluence of so many industries changing the landscape of the creative industry, you have to be strategic in how you plan for a successful career.

Let’s take a look at what you need to know to launch a successful career in digital art.

1. Stay Connected With the Community

Connecting with other digital artists online, either through social media, online forums, or artist websites, can help digital artists to exchange tips, and advice, and explore collaborations and new ideas. Joining an online community also allows digital artists the opportunity to gain feedback on their work and a platform for their work to be seen.

Digital artists should also take advantage of creative events, art workshops, conferences, and other creative meet-ups. It allows the artist to broaden their horizons and network.

2. Practice Regularly

Aim to create something new each week or month and come up with interesting projects to keep yourself engaged and focused. Establish a regular drawing time and set aside a choice spot to challenge yourself in digital art skills. Make sure to take breaks regularly to give your mind and body a rest.

Incorporate other activities into your practice, such as looking at reference images, reading books, or watching documentaries to get into the habit of learning and observing. Make use of short breaks to research other digital artists and explore digital artwork and practice their techniques.

3. Look for Creative Solutions

Push yourself to come up with unexpected and unique design solutions. When you get stuck, don’t be afraid to take a break and walk away from the project. Step away and try to look at it with fresh eyes.

Research the current trends in digital art and find digital artist role models you admire, whose work can help provide inspiration for developing innovative solutions. You can also look here for more design inspiration.

4. Ask For Feedback

Take criticism objectively and be willing to make changes. You can even reach out to professionals in the field whose work you admire. Their feedback can show you the kind of quality and precision necessary for crafting a masterpiece.

And don’t forget to consult online resources, tutorials, and communities. Participating in an environment with other digital artists and getting feedback from those around you can greatly increase your skills and lead to opportunities over time.

5. Stay Motivated

Start by setting short and long-term goals and establish milestones to work towards. Aim to set goals that are achievable, giving yourself rewards for reaching each goal. Staying organized and tracking your progress towards your goals aids in keeping motivation.

Motivation to become a successful digital artist can also be found through self-reflection and by learning from others. Take constructive criticism and use it to better your work.

Follow These Tips for Becoming a Digital Artist

Digital art has opened up a world of possibilities for artists, but it can be intimidating. It’s important to stay connected with the community, experiment beyond the comfort zone, practice regularly, look for creative solutions, ask for feedback, and stay motivated.

With these tips, you’re well on your way to becoming an artist. Get going and start your journey to becoming a digital artist!

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