136 people fell ill with coronavirus per day in the Tambov region

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136 people fell ill with coronavirus per day in the Tambov region. Among them are 53 men and 77 women aged 18 to 87 years, as well as 6 children from 7 to 17 years old. There are no newcomers from other regions, all are in contact with the sick.

According to the regional headquarters for the prevention of import and spread in the field of a new coronavirus infection, over the entire time of the pandemic, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus is 23,972, of which 5473 people had the virus without clinical manifestations.

To date, 21,924 patients have recovered: 10,457 were discharged from the hospital, 11467 were removed from outpatient follow-up after recovery. In hospitals of the region there are 623 patients, including 587 people diagnosed with pneumonia.

2463 people are under the supervision of doctors in home quarantine. Of these, 1128 are confirmed cases, they are included in the total.

42,940 people were removed from home observation, 15014 were discharged from medical institutions.

As of February 9, 16292 residents of Tambov passed the first stage of vaccination, 1460 people were fully vaccinated.

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