As Ryan noted, there is still no consensus on how the process of developing such protective functions will go.
– Be that as it may, I am far from developing herd immunity, – quotes the WHO TASS expert. – The virus will burn society for a long time before we reach this level of immunity.
The specialist emphasizes that the idea of simply achieving herd immunity is to some extent contrary to disease control. To get immunity, you need to allow the virus to spread: this implies an increase in the number of deaths, which is unacceptable, the director emphasizes.
Ryan also drew attention to the fact that often those who have had coronavirus continue to feel unwell even after a considerable time after recovery.
Note that in the Volgograd region, 8.9 thousand people were infected with the coronavirus – in 88 Volgograd residents, the disease was confirmed over the past day. Now in Volgograd hospitals with suspected COVID-19 there are 2,319 patients, including 77 children. 3586 people on treatment with confirmed coronavirus