With the beginning of each New Year, a nation like Australia witnesses a set of new laws in various sectors. So, the year of 2024 cannot be an exception either. The road and traffic rules of Australia are quite stringent which are amended from time to time. The best traffic lawyers Perth can familiarise you with these laws thoroughly. Before that it’s good to know about the major changes in the Australian traffic and road protocol occurred this 2024. Some of these amendments can be considered below.
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Parking hikes in disability zones
Until now, the state of Queensland in Australia charged a certain amount of fine for parking vehicles in disability areas. This amount is supposed to double according to the new traffic and roads rules of Australia this 2024. The Minister of Mains Roads and Transports in Queensland was already deliberating on this plan from November last year. This has led to an increase in the fine from AU$266 to AU$533 from the middle of 2024.
Mobile usage prohibition
To use mobile phones while driving in Australia was already considered an illegal act according to its traffic protocol. The state of New South Wales has executed a more effective plan in this regard. Keeping in mind about drivers who might break this rule, it introduced a new technology across the whole state. It was introduced at the end of last year and is supposed to cast its spell of magic during the whole of 2024.
Queensland in terms of prohibiting the usage of mobile phones while driving is considered no way less than NSW. The state’s previous amount of fine for mobile phone-driving was AU$400 until now. With the introduction of the various road and traffic rules in Australia this 2024, the sum has increased by AU$600. This has tagged Queensland for charging the highest amount of fine against mobile-phone driving.
Slow down system for emergent vehicles
The state of NSW in Australia has also introduced a ‘slow down’ rule to safeguard various emergency and roadside workers. According to this drivers need to slow down vehicles at a speed of 40 km/hour. They should do this indispensably either while passing by emergent vehicles or a stationary police vehicle. This is because these vehicles usually contain flashy blue and red lights. This rule will also apply when drivers are passing by tow truck operators working on the roadside.
Primary Objective
This traffic was altered to ensure that motorists are driving at a speed of 80 km/hour or less than that. Conversely, drivers who will breach this law will become subject to an exemplary penalty. This requires him/her to pay a fine AU$448 along with the deduction of three demerit points.
Doubly altered demerit points
According to the newly amended traffic and road laws of Australia, drivers in there will get double demerit points. They will be subject to this only if they are driving in an Australian state on holidays or at weekends. This will ensure a safe driving for all especially during a time when drivers need to pay massive road tolls. ACT, Western Australia and New South Wales have already enacted the law of double demerit points by now. A state like Queensland hasn’t remained an exception either in this regard.
Laws for hook and U turns
The various states of Australia prohibit their drivers from taking a U-turn when the traffic lights are on. Once the permissible traffic light turns on, you can take U-turns from that time on. This system is completely opposite in a state like Victoria. This implies that in Victoria you can take U-turns unflinchingly when the traffic lights are on. Conversely, in some places of Melbourne, you are supposed to take hook turns. It basically requires the driver to take a right turn from a left-hand-side lane.
The chief goal
The main objective behind framing these laws is to ensure a safe and hassle-free driving for the drivers of Australia. This allows each driver to take a U-turn instantaneously the moment the erstwhile driver leaves that road.
Laws of light rail
Some issues emerged recently with the imminent light rail transportation system in Sydney. In the light of these issues, formulation of a stringent law became imperative. That’s why the Sydney government enforced a pertinent legislation in the present year of 2024. According to this, walkers and trams should avoid being on the erroneous side of the road.
New NSW road rules
A couple of new rail road traffic law rules have been introduced somewhere like NSW as well. These require pedestrians to cross the track when they are only at a feasible side of the road. Maintaining a distance of 20 metres from the tram while crossing the road is considered even better.
Contact the best traffic lawyers in Perth!
So, do you want to strictly adhere to these newly amended traffic and road rules of Australia introduced this 2024? Then, hire any of the best traffic lawyers in Perth, Australia right now.