Watch out for mermaids: how to behave correctly on Akulinin day

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On this day, in no case should you look into the windows, but on the contrary, you can walk in nature. According to popular beliefs, mermaids woke up on April 20, and if you get their approval, then children and men will avoid different misfortunes. “MK in Volgograd” will tell you how to spend today correctly.

Orthodox believers honor the martyr Akilina and her deacon Rufina on this day. They were imprisoned for their religion. In the dungeon, the martyrs were able to convert 200 soldiers to the Christian faith, for which they were executed.

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On April 20, with the onset of warmth, mermaids awaken in the reservoirs. And women, in order to protect their families from meeting water spirits, left beautiful shirts, skirts and dresses on the banks of the river. Girls going to the water always took garlic and wormwood with them to scare away evil spirits, otherwise the mermaids could tickle to death.

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What not to do on Akulinin’s day:

– look into the house through the window, otherwise you will get sick;

– pass the salt shaker from hand to hand, you will definitely spoil the relationship with a friend;

– to dry the umbrella in the bedroom, the husband and wife will quarrel.

What you can do on April 20: our ancestors always went outside in the evening, looked at the starry sky and made wishes. It was believed that it was on this day that it would certainly come true.

On Akulinin’s day, they paid attention to the weather. The rain foreshadowed a good harvest of viburnum and a bad harvest of spring crops. The cluster of stars in the night sky promised a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forest.