In the region, 9,783 students wrote the final essay. 99% of them tested positive. The final essay for 11th grade graduates is admission to the Unified State Exam. In addition, the results of the essay can be taken into account when enrolling in universities.
As reported press service of the administration of the Volgograd region, 55.1% of pupils chose the theme of the essay “What person can rightfully be called a hero?” Another 20.4% of graduates wrote on the topic “Do I need to think about my mistakes, even if it hurts?” 13.5% of schoolchildren discussed the topic “Do you agree with M. Gorky’s statement that a person is created by his resistance to the environment?”
The duration of the work was 3 hours 55 minutes. Children with disabilities, instead of writing, can choose a presentation, the time for writing which is increased by an hour and a half.
It is noted that the final essay upon admission to universities is valid for four years, which follow the year of writing. Students who received a “failure”, did not show up for the final essay or presentation, and also did not have time to complete it for valid reasons, will be able to write it on May 12 and 19. Students of the 11th grade learn the results of the essay in their schools, and graduates of previous years where they took it.
Recall that the main USE period in 2021 will begin on May 31 and will last until July 2, the additional one – from 12.07 to 17.07. Graduates of the 11th grade who are going to enter universities need to successfully pass the Unified State Examination in Russian to obtain a certificate. The guys themselves choose the profile subjects and their number.
The telephone number of the Unified State Exam hotline for holding questions is 8 (8442) 60-66-07.