At about 10:35 pm on Wednesday, April 21, the banned rally in support of Navalny’s politician was officially terminated by its organizers. “Now it is becoming more and more dangerous to be on the street,” they broadcast via Telegram (and other messengers). “Therefore, we are completing the action.”
At the time of publication of this news, a significant part of the participants was concentrated near Pionerskaya Square near the Youth Theater (which never became the official “guide park” in St. Petersburg). Detentions continued there, which, according to social networks, sometimes took place in a rather harsh format (for example, with the use of stun guns).
The Telegram channel “Protest Petersburg” clarifies (with reference to an unofficial source OVD-Info) that 351 people were detained in St. Petersburg by this time (and this is more than in all other cities; in Moscow, according to the same unverified data, detained ” total “20 participants).
Some streets in the city are still closed. Moreover: it is reported that the metro stations “Mayakovskaya”, “Ploschad Vosstaniya” and “Gostiny Dvor” were closed without explanation, but they work at the entrance of “Admiralteyskaya” and “Nevsky Prospekt”.