- The DGCCRF published its annual report this week, in which it indicates that it has found shortcomings in more than half of the energy renovation companies inspected.
- Canvassing and the techniques used have been questioned for many months by consumer associations.
- The UFC-Que Choisir calls on consumers to be vigilant and to inform themselves before each step of the renovation work.
Saturday July 25, Emmanuelle Wargon, Minister for Housing, announced the opening of the energy renovation bonus to all households, regardless of their income. Chance of the calendar, the General Directorate for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control (DGCCRF), during its annual conference on Monday, highlighted its close monitoring of players in the energy renovation market.
The institution says it has audited 469 companies in the sector in 2019, and found “anomalies” in more than half (56%). The breaches concerned consumer rights, rules relating to information on prices, conditions of sale, credits and the use of deceptive marketing practices. To counter these practices, 20 minutes asked Matthieu Robin, responsible for the financial sector at UFC-Que Choisir, for advice.
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The traps of direct sellers
Canvassing, particularly by telephone, has been a problem raised by the consumer association for several years. And the energy renovation sector is no exception, since the UFC-Que Choisir indicates that it receives “around 10,000 complaints per year” on this subject, a third of which relates to canvassing. If the Naegelen law, published in Official newspaper this July 25, should slow down some enthusiasm, Matthieu Robin still delivers some advice to consumers: “The first thing to do is… do nothing. You should not rush and above all do not sign anything. “
For the specialist, the first reflex to have is to request an energy performance diagnosis (DPE). Windows, attic, boiler … This procedure allows you to know the points to improve in your home. This diagnostic must be carried out by a diagnostician certified by COFRAC. “If we trust the direct seller, he will advise changing the windows if he sells windows…”, explains Matthieu Robin.
Once the DPE has been carried out, the choice of the professional is essential. Matthieu Robin advises asking for quotes from at least three different companies to get an idea of the prices applied in the region. The expert warns, however, on the information received: “We must ensure that the professional differentiates the price of equipment from that of labor. Subsidies such as the energy transition tax credit only apply to equipment. The expert also advises to check the name of the equipment, because not all are eligible for aid.
Pay attention to labels and certifications
In addition to quotes, it is necessary to ensure that companies have the RGE label (Recognized as guarantor of the environment). “Many wrongly claim to have them, or else they do not have the right one”, warns Matthieu Robin. Indeed, this label is awarded by field of work; a company can have it for windows, but not for solar panels. Better to make sure that this relates to the work to come.
In addition, the UFC-Que Choisir warns against direct sellers who take advantage of a partnership with institutions such as the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe). However, this type of partnership does not exist. No more than the obligation of insulation work, under penalty of a fine, advanced by some professionals.
Insulation work is expensive: 25,000 euros on average, according to the UFC-What to choose. To finance such investments, professionals in the sector can offer affected credit. However, some prefer to keep silent about its existence and submit it to the client without informing him, as Matthieu Robin explains: “The professional makes the consumer sign a bundle of documents which contains many elements of the work, and in the middle can be found the credit supply. “Contrary to the rules which impose a solvency investigation by the direct seller, via a dialogue sheet which lists the income and charges of the client, Matthieu Robin says that some people allow themselves to fill out this sheet,” in intelligence with the establishments of credit ”. The expert advises here to read the documents carefully before signing them and to consult your bank to find out about its offers in this area, “often much less expensive”, and to learn about the eco-PTZ (zero-interest loan ).
If the affected credit is signed, the credit institution must send a summary letter within 7 days. It is then always possible to oppose it. A withdrawal period of 14 days is set up at this time if it is stipulated on the order form. Matthieu Robin specifies: “If no right of withdrawal is specified, the customer can withdraw at any time. “
The musicians are paid at the end of the ball
Once the service has been ordered, the professional may present himself on the first day of the work and request a signature on the “end of work certificate”. “It is important not to sign it before the complete end of the service,” warns Matthieu Robin. This certificate, once signed, allows the credit institution to release the funds to pay the professional. “This doesn’t have to be done before checking that all the work is done. The UFC-Que Choisir adds that no deposit can be paid before the performance of the service.
Consumers interested in energy renovation work can find out about the procedures and professionals on the government website Faire.gouv.fr and be supported by the local agencies of the UFC-Que Choisir.