In the world, due to the pandemic, restrictions are being tightened.
Restaurants and bars are closing in the Netherlands. Amateur sports have been temporarily banned. The sale of alcohol in the evenings has been reduced.
The UK has introduced a three-tiered system of restrictions. Bans in cities will be introduced depending on the situation. At the “high” level, pubs and cafes close at 22:00. It is prohibited to gather in groups of more than six people. The most stringent measures, in particular, began to operate in Liverpool.
The Beijing authorities have limited the number of people entering the city. The maximum number of guests per day cannot exceed 500.
Schoolchildren in Slovakia were transferred to the distance format. Mass events were banned in the country.
In Ukraine, the work of cafes and restaurants was limited. Visitors will be asked to leave after 22:00. University students will go to distance learning.
In the Czech Republic, all cinemas and fitness centers were closed for two weeks. Cafes and restaurants are open only until 20:00 local time, and a maximum of four people can sit at the tables. Meeting with companies of more than six people is prohibited.
Italy, Germany and Belgium are planning to increase fines. For non-observance of the mask regime you will have to pay a thousand euros. The number of new cases of the disease has increased by almost 90%.
In Madrid, the situation on the streets is controlled by 7 thousand guards. Due to the spread of coronavirus infection in the Autonomous Community – a high alert mode.