Allergologist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok on the air of Radio 1 on Thursday, March 11, spoke about the danger of zinc overdose.
According to the specialist, an overdose of zinc can have serious consequences, including it can even lead to a coma.
Bolibok said that excess zinc in the body harms the liver, kidneys and pancreas. In this regard, the instructions for use must be strictly observed. For men, the daily dosage is 11 mg per day, for women – 8 mg per day.
The immunologist noted that taking zinc is contraindicated in people who work in electrical plants or with fabrics and dyes. There is no need to take zinc for those who are fond of oysters, because this delicacy contains enough zinc.
Bolibok stressed that it is best to take complex preparations, which, in addition to zinc, contain other components. This measure will avoid overdose, writes NSN.
On March 11, Marina Makisha, a nutritionist and member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, named the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. In an interview with Izvestia, she explained that with a lack of vitamin B12 in the human body, anemia develops.