The head of the tuberculosis hospital was fired in the Novosibirsk region

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In the Novosibirsk region, the head of a branch at a local clinical tuberculosis hospital was dismissed after an incident with a nurse who took a child by the hair and threw it on the bed. This was announced on Thursday, November 12, on the website of the regional government.

“The joint commission of the Ministry of Health and the Children’s Ombudsman of the Novosibirsk Region, Nadezhda Boltenko, assessed the situation in the children’s branch of the regional tuberculosis hospital, the reasons that could lead to the incident. Personnel decisions have been made, an action plan has been outlined to prevent this from happening in the future, ”the message says.

It clarifies that the older sister of the branch and the older sister of the branch where the incident took place were demoted.

The hospital has revised the staffing table – the number of nannies for children who are left without parents will be increased. Documents are being prepared for obtaining a license for educational activities – this will allow hiring a teacher, they specify in the regional government.

In addition, a video surveillance system will be installed in common areas – corridors, playrooms, chambers.

Earlier, a video was published on social networks in which a nurse takes a child by the hair and throws it on the bed. The nurse was fired.

The Investigation Department of the RF IC for the region, in turn, organized an inspection.

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