Readers of the German edition Welt am Sonntag appreciated the words of the Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Andriy Melnik about Germany’s historical responsibility for the country’s entry into NATO.
On April 18, the Ukrainian diplomat called on Berlin to achieve the entry of his country into the North Atlantic Alliance as soon as possible and unconditionally, since Germany bears “special historical responsibility” for Nazi crimes against the Ukrainian people.
Commentators were outraged that Melnik was appealing to the national guilt of the Germans. Some questioned the diplomacy of the ambassador, and also expressed the opinion that Berlin would be better off attending to its internal problems.
“Why should Germany always be a role model on a variety of issues only from the historical guilt complex” – asked Gabriele H.
“The demands of the Ukrainians, put forward by their ambassador, want to wake up Pavlov’s dog in us. We bet there will be a demand for reparations? ”- wrote the user Nachgelesen.
“If an ambassador makes such extortionate statements, he is not a diplomat or it casts doubt on his diplomatic abilities, and therefore he should be expelled from the country,” Georg F.
“Ukraine is very offensively pulling out a card of moral responsibility just to drag us into its war, and then continue as before,” a reader with the nickname Bendman is sure.
“Germany has to take care of its problems first!” Added Thorsten L.
Earlier, Melnik made loud statements on several occasions. So, on Thursday, April 15, he announced that Ukraine needs to regain its nuclear status if the country is unable to join NATO. According to him, Ukraine needs not only moral support, it also needs modern weapons systems.
On April 15, in an interview with the Le Figaro newspaper, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the country deserved to “leave the waiting room” of the EU and NATO.
A few days earlier, on April 12, the Ukrainian leader asked US President Joe Biden to help Ukraine join NATO. According to him, the country needs financial support, as well as more weapons “to strengthen the confrontation with Russia.”
In February 2019, the Ukrainian parliament adopted changes to the constitution, securing the country’s course towards the EU and NATO. Ukraine has become the sixth country to receive the status of an enhanced partner of the North Atlantic Alliance.