On Sakhalin, the Sakhalin Region Ice Swimming Cup was postponed for a week. The reason for this decision was a cyclone that raged over Sakhalin for several days.
As explained in the regional Ministry of Sports, the acceptance of applications was also extended. Now you can register for participation until February 26. To do this, you must choose one of the categories: A – for those who swim in wetsuits up to 5 millimeters, glasses and insulated caps. Athletes in this group will be divided into categories of 18-40 years old and 41 years or more. They will all swim in freestyle.
B – for those who swim without wetsuits, in ordinary caps and glasses. In this group, athletes will be divided into five age categories: 18-29 years old, 30-39 years old, 40-49 years old, 50-59 years old and 60 and more years old. Athletes will choose to swim freestyle, breaststroke or dolphin.
In addition to the application for participation, all athletes will have to provide a medical certificate, insurance policy and additional insurance for sports events.
The Cup will be held in the village of Okhotsk on Lake Chervyachnoye on the territory of the Forest Lake Center.