State tests of the world’s only light amphibious tank “Sprut-SDM1” will be completed in 2022, said Bekkhan Ozdoev, industrial director of the weapons complex of the state corporation “Rostec” on Friday, November 27.
“Now the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is conducting state tests, which will be finally completed only in 2022. The tests, I want to note, are severe. The car will be tested at sea and in the highlands, in different climatic zones. The equipment will be checked at air temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees, “RIA Novosti quotes him.
Ozdoev noted that, first of all, the vehicle is being created for the Airborne Forces, and the Sprut will also be of interest to many foreign customers, including India and Asian countries.
The tank is a combat armored tracked amphibious vehicle with an artillery and missile system of 125 mm armament, which can, without refueling, make marches over a distance of 500 km, be transported by landing ships and military transport aircraft, and parachute by landing and parachute methods together with the crew on board.
“Sprut-SDM1” is not inferior in firepower to tanks such as T-80, T-90, and in terms of mobility on land and water is at the level of BMD-4M, experts say. These and other qualities, combined with the circular rotation of the turret and stabilization of weapons in two planes, make it possible to use the Sprut-SDM1 as an amphibious tank.
In addition, the tank is equipped with combined sights with thermal imagers, which allows the use of weapons at night, according to the Bureau of Political-Military Analysis.
State tests of the tank began in August, Rostec informed. The Sprut-SDM1 is a modernized version of the Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun.