Singapore develops drug-free cancer treatment

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Found a substance that makes malignant cells self-destruct

Experts from Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore have tested an experimental method of treating cancer. The nanoparticles were coated with a specific amino acid, which is not produced in the body, but is found in meat and dairy products.

Such a nanoparticle accelerates the production of reactive oxygen species by the body, which are deadly for cancer cells, but safe for healthy ones. The experiments were carried out on mice, and it turned out that the nanoparticles destroyed the vast majority of cells affected by breast, skin and stomach cancers. Chemotherapy gives roughly the same results, but it has many side effects.

The innovation of the method lies in the fact that until now nanoparticles have been used to deliver drugs to the body, but in this case these particles themselves were the drug, which is much more effective, the Doctor TV channel reports.

But, of course, the method must pass clinical trials.

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