Scientists from Crimea began a new cycle of experiments on apples

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A new type of apple orchard was laid at the V.I.Vernadsky KFU. In it, the distance between landings was reduced to 0.8 meters.

On an area of ​​0.3 hectares, students will be trained in agricultural technology and work out the latest methods of plant care, up to machine learning. Experiments will be carried out on three popular apple varieties: Gala, Red Delicious and Grenia Smith.

– We decided to conduct an experiment and see how the compaction of trees will affect their development and productivity. At the same time, the dimensions of the tree will be about a meter in width of the crown and no more than three meters in height, – said the director of the agro-industrial college of the Kazan Federal University Vasily Revnyuk in an interview with the press service of the university.

photo: press service of KFU im. V. I. Vernadsky

According to scientists, the garden will show its potential next year, when the first fruits are collected. By 2023, a harvest of up to 40 tons per hectare is expected. The service life of new plantings will be up to 15 years.

Recall that last year the largest superintensive apple orchard among Russian universities was laid at KFU. 23 thousand seedlings were placed on 10 hectares.